Deacon's Corner: When people leave Mass early, they do the Judas shuffle.
November 6, 2022, 12:00 PM
The Code of Canon Law (No. 1247) says, “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are obliged to participate in the Mass.” Notice it doesn’t say participate in “part” or “certain parts” of the Mass. It says, “participate in the Mass”, the whole thing. The word “Mass” comes from the Latin, Ite missa est, meaning “Go forth, the Mass is ended.” The Mass is a transmission of God’s grace and a commission to go forth and preach the Good News.
When people leave before the Blessing and Dismissal, they insult Jesus and the congregation. Think about it. Jesus instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper. He commanded us to “Do this in memory of Me.” After Jesus gave His Body and Blood to His disciples, Judas left. He didn’t go back to his pew and pray. He turned his back on God. Jesus and the Eleven then went out and sang hymns to God. Judas didn’t sing the recessional hymn. He had done the Judas shuffle.
When we come to Mass Jesus draws close to us. He opens the Scriptures to us. He gives Himself completely to us in His Body and Blood. Then comes the Blessing and Dismissal. What Jesus gives us we must take into the world. We become Christ to others. We need to live the Mass. It defines our life. Ours is a life of self-giving, the life of a Christian, a life in Christ. We should always be there for God’s Blessing and His sending us forth to live our lives in Christ. When we leave without His blessing and sending forth, we do the Judas shuffle, which leads us away from God. Now you know!