Ash Wednesday 2025
Lent 2025
Lenten Potluck Series 2025
Stations of the Cross
Road to Resurrection
Super Bowl Fundraisers
Join us on Thursday!
Parish Open House
12 Days of Christmas 2024
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
Christmas 2024
Advent Family Movie Day
Advent 2024
CASH CLUB 2024-2025 Three Kings Bonus Raffle
Upcoming Schedule
Immaculate Conception 2024
Please note Saint Ann Church will still celebrate two Masses at 7:30AM & 6:00PM on this holy day.
Also, the Parish Office and Adoration Chapel will be closed.
Thanksgiving 2024
Pilgrim Icon Host
Ramp Project Updates
All Saints Day 2024
All Souls Day 2024
Family-Friendly Fall 2024
An Important Message from Bishop Bambera
For those who have not been with us lately, an important announcement was made in early June. Please review this message from Bishop Bambera regarding upcoming changes for our parish and local Catholic community. We look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts with the The Parishes of St. Boniface & St. Lawrence in a more intentional way to further the mission of Christ and His Church 🙏✝️⛪️
(Click the image below to read the letter in its entirety).
Parish Directory Photo Make-Up Day
Register Now for Religious Education 2024-2025
Women's Guild 2024
Pancake Breakfast
CASH CLUB 2024-2025
New Parish Directory Coming Soon!!
Assumption of Mary 2024
Little League World Series 2024
Saint Ann Novena & Feast Day 2024
Summer 2024
Independence Day 2024
Vacation Bible School Registration Now Open!
This Weekend
Memorial Day 2024
It looks like the rain is going to hold off a while longer. We hope to see you for Mass up at Assumption Cemetery!!
12307 Rose Valley Road Trout Run, PA 17771
Ascension 2024
April Events
Divine Mercy Sunday
Holy Week 2024
Rectory, Set, Cook!
Rectory, Set, Cook is officially LIVE!
We are THRILLED that Fr. Shawn is the first Lycoming County pastor to participate!!
Will you help Father become a Top PASTOR CHEF??
Not only is this a fun opportunity to see priests and friends cooking up delicious goodies in their own kitchens, it's a great opportunity to support a good cause this Lent
For every vote ($10), half the funds will stay at the parish and half the funds will go directly to help feed the hungry and shelter the homeless in the Diocese of Scranton
There are 3 ways to vote for Fr. Shawn:
Text 2024PASTORCHEF24 to 71777
Send a cash or check donation to the Parish Office
And you know we love a good raffle, so we have some SPECIAL PARISH INCENTIVES when you vote:
Every 2 votes ($20) grants entry for a weekly food themed gift basket {Drawn each Friday during the Potluck Series}
Every 5 votes ($50) grants entry for a GRAND PRIZE recipe gift basket
And, in case you missed it, Fr. Shawn has announced a BONUS INCENTIVE
Father has pledged to provide a HOMEMADE DINNER at the Rectory to anyone who places 100 votes ($1,000) toward his campaign
We'll keep you posted on the theme of each weekly foodie basket and the progress of the campaign
THANK YOU for you continued support of Saint Ann Catholic Church
Road to Resurrection
An Evening of Healing
a video recording is available here:
Lenten Potluck Series 2024
Ash Wednesday 2024
CASH CLUB 2023-2024
Annual Parish Open House
A Look Back at 2023
Upcoming Mass Schedule
Christmas Season Mass Schedule
Christmas 2023
CASH CLUB 2023-2024
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2023
Thanksgiving 2023
All Souls Day 2023
All Saints Day 2023
Welcome, Fr. Shawn Simchock
Best Wishes, Fr. John Chmil

with Father over the past 3 years.
Thank You, Little League Volunteers
Saint Ann Novena & Parish Picnic 2023
Vacation Bible School 2023
You’re officially invited to spend a royal week with the King and Queen of Heaven and earth! Enter through the gates of the kingdom and learn all about Mary, and how she leads us closer to her Son the King of Kings.
Click the image above to learn more!
Summer Sales 2023
Memorial Day 2023
Ascension of the Lord 2023
First Communion 2023
Easter Octave & Divine Mercy Sunday 2023
Holy Week 2023
Easter Egg Hunt 2023
Click HERE to stay up-to-date on the Facebook event page.
Lent 2023
We have many parish opportunities for faith and fellowship throughout this season of Lent.
For a more detailed look at these events, and others offered by Lycoming County Catholic Churches, please take a look at our Lenten Resource Guide available HERE.
All of this information - and more - can easily be accessed on our parish website HERE.
Ash Wednesday 2023
God's House, Our Home
Over the last three years, our community responded to the historical crisis of the Coronavirus pandemic in so many ways. We now invite everyone to join together and participate in securing our parish's future. We ask that you prayerfully consider how you and your family can help Saint Ann Catholic Church by financially supporting our ministries, furthering our mission, and reinforcing our future. Click the image above to learn more.
A Look Back at 2022
Looking forward to what 2023 has in store!
Vision 2030 Blueprint Process
For the last several years, the Diocese of Scranton and its churches have been focused on the future with a pastoral planning initiative called the Vision 2030 Blueprint Process.
Vision 2030 will help our diocese meet the many opportunities and challenges of the coming decade with the main goal of creating vibrant parishes rooted in the life of Jesus Christ.
You can learn more about Vision 2030 at:
Click the image above for a direct link to the digital Vision 2030 booklet. (Printed booklets available at the church and Parish Office.)
Click the image above for a Vision 2030 communication concerning the Williamsport Deanery.
CASH CLUB 2022-2023
Tickets can still be purchased at any time and are available at the church and the Parish Office. Cash, check, and credit card accepted.
Call 570-322-5935 for more information.
Parish Open House
Memorial Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
This Wednesday, our parish will have a Memorial Mass at 7:30AM, in memory of Pope Emeritus BenedictXVI.
Bishop Bambera will celebrate the 12:10PM Mass this Wednesday at St. Peter's Cathedral in Scranton. The Mass is available via EWTN or online.
May God grant Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI eternal rest.
Christmas 2022
Advent Penance Services
Advent 2022
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Thanksgiving 2022
Confirmation Service Project: Operation Christmas Child
All Souls Day
All Saints Day
Trunk or Treat 2022
It's time for our annual Trunk or Treat event!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone as part of Loyalsock Township's night of Trick of Treating!
Thanks to the generous donations of our wonderful church members, we have TONS of candy and giveaways for all!
Join the Facebook event page HERE.
2022 Diocesan Annual Appeal
2023 Mass Intentions Calendar Now Open
Religious Education 2022-2023 Registration Now Open
RCIA Starting Soon
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Saint Ann Novena 2022
Parish Projects Update
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
Faithful Invited to Fast and Pray the Rosary on Friday in Midst of Tensions Over Leaked Draft Supreme Court Opinion
WASHINGTON - In response to the leak of a draft opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, some abortion advocates are calling for nationwide demonstrations, disruptions of church services, and the personal intimidation of specific Supreme Court justices. Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities invited the faithful to unite in fasting and prayer:
“In the midst of current tensions, we invite Catholics around the country to join us in fasting and praying the Rosary on Friday, May 13, the Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima. Let us offer our prayers and fasting for these intentions:
- For our nation, for the integrity of our judicial system, and that all branches of government be dedicated to seeking the common good and protecting the dignity and rights of the human person, from conception to natural death.
- For the overturning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey in the Supreme Court’s final decision in Dobbs v. Jackson.
- For the conversion of the hearts and minds of those who advocate for abortion.
- For a new commitment to building an America where children are welcomed, cherished, and cared for; where mothers and fathers are encouraged and strengthened; and where marriage and the family are recognized and supported as the true foundations of a healthy and flourishing society.
- For Our Blessed Mother’s intercession and guidance as the Church continues to walk with mothers and families in need, and continues to promote alternatives to abortion, and seeks to create a culture of life.
As Catholics, let us witness to the beautiful gift of life with civility and love, and with our peaceful prayers and our compassionate service to all those in need.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.”
Vacation Bible School Registration Now Open
Divine Mercy Sunday
Easter Octave Mass Schedule
Holy Week 2022
Season of Lent
Do you have your copy of the Lenten Resource Guide yet?
This publication details Lenten happenings not only in our parish, but includes scheduled events at other local Catholic parishes as well!
Click HERE to download a PDF guide.
Printed copies are also available at the church and Parish Office.
We look forward to journeying with you this Lent
Ash Wednesday 2022
Synod on Synodality
Do you believe the Diocese of Scranton listens to its parishioners? Are you challenged to use your gifts and talents to better the life of your parish and the whole Church? Do you believe the Church is transparent and accountable in its decision-making processes?
The Diocese of Scranton invites everyone to answer these three questions and more as part of the local listening phase of the 2023 Synod of Bishops, which is now underway.
The word “synod” is an ancient Greek word. While unfamiliar to many, a synod is a journey of discernment, in which the people of God are called to pray and reflect upon the Holy Spirit’s will for the Church.
Pope Francis has asked every diocese in the world to develop a process to listen to the faithful of parishes, religious orders and Catholic movements and prayerfully consider the ways in which they currently experience the church as “synodal,” that is, as a community that walks together and to suggest ways to strengthen that in practice.
Visit the Diocese of Scranton's webpage dedicated to the Synod, which includes the link to the survey in English and Spanish:
Stay tuned for additional upcoming opportunities for synod participation in our parish community.
A Look Back at 2021
Thank you to everyone who attended our Open House yesterday, and many thanks to all our volunteers!!
We were pleased to present this slideshow capturing the past year. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful parish community!!
Join Us for a Parish Open House!
Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
Christmas Mass Schedule
CASH CLUB 2021-2022
Give a winning gift this Christmas!
Buy a CASH CLUB ticket today!!
15 mega drawing winners and 37 weekly winners of $1,000 gives you 52 chances to win throughout the year!
If you win, your ticket will be returned for more chances to win!
If you sell 5 tickets you will receive ONE ticket FREE!
Tickets $100 each
Purchase online HERE (type CASH CLUB in the Notes section) or return your completed ticket stub along with $100 (cash or check made out to St. Ann Catholic Church) directly to the Parish Office or place it in the collection basket in an envelope clearly marked CASH CLUB.
680 of 700 tickets sold
700 tickets must be sold before drawings can begin
First drawing scheduled for Sunday, January 2nd
Thank You Puzzle Challenge Participants!
Annunciation Puzzle & Rosary - Heilmann Family
Visitation Puzzle & Rosary - Tiffany Haller
CASH CLUB Ticket #5 - Eric DiPietro
Airpods Pro Earbuds - Rebecca West
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Advent: Come, Lord Jesus!
Click the image above to learn more about parish and community happenings during the season of Advent.
Happy Thanksgiving!
November: Month of the Poor Souls in Purgatory
Though we continue to pray for the deceased of Saint Ann parish throughout the month of November, there will be a special All Souls Day Mass of Remembrance on Tuesday, November 2nd at 7:00PM. We will honor by name and with lighted candles all of those from our parish family who have passed away between November 2020 and October 2021. The entire parish family is invited and encouraged to come pray with us, on their behalf.
Salvatore Zangara
Ann “Nancy” Watson
Mildred Wheeler
Sharon McNichol
Shirley Hendricks
Charles “Dick” Sharar
Violet Sacavage
David Lechniak
Steve Welteroth
Mary Piccolo
Donald Roman, Sr.
Kyrie Berkey
Marjorie Ort
Ann Hawkins
Charles Martin, Sr.
Joseph Lupacchino
Nina Dempsey
James “Joe” Steinbacher
Patricia DeSanto
Kathleen King
Bertha Bartley
Marcella DeSanto
Mary Wasson
Andrew Dincher
Francis A. Daniele
Harold Cozza, Jr.
Robin Agnone
Rae Cartwright
Emily Mazurek
Grace Caravaggio
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
October: Month of the Holy Rosary
Our Rosary Guild shipped 1,611 rosaries overseas through the Our Lady's Rosary Makers organization. OLRM indicated these rosaries were sent in response to the following correspondence:
The Lord give you Peace.
The overwhelming requests for rosaries across the world shows that our blessed Lady has defeated the evil one in the world.
We are requesting for rosaries for our graduating students and seminarians that will take place next month of October month end. That will be their gift for evangelizing the world.
Cornelius Mweni
St. Charles Lwanga Minor Seminary
P.O. Box 710036
We don't usually have an opportunity to see firsthand the mission communities we serve, so we were thrilled to find a video posted from the Seminary's Golden Jubilee in 2016.
Thank you to all who support our Virgin Mary's Hands Rosary Guild and the Our Lady's Rosary Makers organization!
Adoration Chapel Closed for Maintenance
Please note the Mary, Mother of Mercy Adoration Chapel will be closed through Wednesday for maintenance. We will keep you updated if this closure needs to be extended. The chapel will reopen for regular hours on Friday, October 29th.
Private Prayer is available at Saint Ann Catholic Church Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 3:00PM and Saturday 9:00AM to 12:00PM. The chapel code can be used at the Parish Hall entrance.
UPDATE: We apologize for the last minute chapel closure, but we are thankful for our friends at Sanso Concrete who are taking advantage of brief windows of sunshine this week to install a RAMP! We are thrilled that the chapel will be truly accessible to all who want to adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament!!
Parish Website Update
Due to various unfortunate circumstances, our web host was unable to restore our parish website.
We are in the process of COMPLETELY rebuilding, so many site features are currently unavailable.
At this time, our focus is on setting up the home page and links to the parish calendar, bulletin, and live streaming.
Thank you for your patience!