The term cell group is derived from biology: the cell is the basic unit of life in a body. In a metaphorical sense, just as a body is made up of many cells that give it life, the cell church is made of cell groups that give it life.

“We shall grow in all ways into Christ who is the head by whom the whole body is fitted and joined together, every joint adding its own strength.” Ephesians 4:16


The 7 Purposes of a Cell Group

  1. To grow in intimacy with the Lord.
  2. To grow in love of one another.
  3. To share Jesus with others.
  4. To minister in the Body of Christ.
  5. To give and receive support.
  6. To raise up new leaders.
  7. To deepen our Catholic identity.

Format of a Parish Cell Meeting

  1. Song and Praise Prayer
  2. Sharing
  3. Teaching
  4. Discussion
  5. Business
  6. Intercession
  7. Healing Prayer