Deacon's Corner: Are we “water jar” Christians or “artesian well” Christians?
March 12, 2023, 12:00 PM
Do we run from well to well (church to church, preacher to preacher, Bible study to Bible study) to find enough water to fill our spiritual jars because they constantly go empty? Or do we have that wellspring of the Holy Spirit bubbling out of us constantly, like an artesian well, which then draws more people to Jesus? Today’s Gospel is the well-known story of Jesus and the woman at the well. What a remarkable model the Samaritan women is for us. She teaches us about courage, about human dignity, about our conversion, and what it means to be in a relationship with Jesus. Are we like her, unaware we are close to Christ? When we are truly aware of how close we are to Him and the great gift He is offering us, when we converse with Him in prayer, we are able to ask Him for the grace of life-giving water. Jesus is thirsty, too. He thirsts for souls. He longs to give the woman the living water of eternal life. He wants to give these lifegiving waters to us. Jesus used the human need for water to reach out to the woman.Maybe we need to ask ourselves, what is Jesus using in our lives to reach out to us? Watch out! Jesus may ask us for a drink of water and, before we know it, we are running around preaching the Gospel to family, relatives, friends, and neighbors. During Lent let us pray that God gives us the eternal life-giving water so we are not water jar Christians, but artesian well Christians, always drawing fully on God’s grace. Now you know!