Deacon's Corner: Christmas, When God Becomes Man! How can this be?
December 25, 2022, 12:00 PM
The Trinity and the Incarnation are the two greatest mysteries of our Faith. The second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ, became fully human while remaining fully Divine. How can this be? Jesus was born of a human mother, Mary of Nazareth, through the power of the Holy Spirit descending upon her from God, who is His Father. Jesus is only one Person, but He is fully God, and, at the same time, He is fully human. As God, He has all the attributes of God. He is all-knowing, changeless, and eternal. As human, He has a human body, human mind and will, and human feelings. His Divinity does not overwhelm or interfere with His humanity.
Jesus lived a fully human life. He grew in age, wisdom, and grace before God and man, but He remained changeless as God. While on the Cross He remained Lord of the Universe! He experienced the same kind of death that all human beings experience. But before His death, at His death, and after His death, He remained God, one who was, is, and always will be! How can this be? Jesus is one Person, the Second Person of the Trinity. He is fully God and fully human and always will be. He lives with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and also in our midst. He died and rose from the dead so we, with our human nature, might share in His Divine nature. How can this be? We cannot answer this question with our human intellect. This is the mystery of salvation we are all meant to share. When we meet Jesus, He will say, “Now you know!”