February 9, 2025, 12:00 PM
Today’s readings address this. Isaiah responds to God’s question, “Whom shall I send?” with “Hear I am, Lord, send me.” God chose Paul to preach the Gospel even though he had persecuted the Church. Jesus calls Simon Peter, James, and John to fish for men. Jesus calls us to fish for people, too. Someone might be sitting in the pew next to us suffering silently. Jesus calls us to let people know there is hope, infinite hope, in Him. He calls us to live for Him. If only one person in our entire lifetime recognizes the Hope of the Lord due to something we do or by the way we live, our lives are a success. But who am I to proclaim Jesus Christ? How dare I say to that person who is talking about having sex outside of marriage, “Don’t do it. You are better than that.” Who am I to say to that person experimenting with drugs, “Don’t go to that party, you know what might happen.” Who do we think we are that we can speak for God? Isaiah had similar thoughts, “I am a man of unclean lips,” and Paul says, “I persecuted the Church of God.” Peter says, “Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful man.” Remember what happened. An angel cleansed Isaiah’s lips. Jesus appeared to Paul and called him to change his life. The Lord tells Peter, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” We are good enough because God makes us good enough. Our past sins are not important. What is important is God’s grace. It strengthens us to be catchers for Christ. Now you know!