Deacon's Corner: Do we “keep the faith” by doing good works?
September 15, 2024, 12:00 PM
In the Gospel the disciples, and each of us, are asked to decide who Jesus is. Peter answers, “You are the Messiah.” We believe He is! Jesus tells Peter to get behind Him. This makes sense. To be a disciple means to be a follower and to follow someone, we need to be behind them. Isaiah tells us God opens our ears to hear the needs of others and respond by giving of ourselves. St. James tells us our faith must express itself in works of love. What great readings for Catechetical Sunday. Teaching children the faith and how to do good works began in our homes. We expand their knowledge in our Sunday school classes. We look forward to more volunteers to pass on the faith. Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” What should we say to our children or the students in response? One answer might be that He shows us how to give of ourselves. Teaching our children is a great way to give of self. Another answer might be tied to Jesus telling Peter to get behind Him. As teachers we can help our youth know what it means to follow Jesus and how we can help others. Or said another way, we keep the faith alive by doing good works as Jesus did. Jesus had disciples who followed Him full time and others part time while they lived their lives. We offer the same opportunity to catechists. Although it is full-time teaching the faith at home, we have part-time opportunities for catechists. The Eucharist strengthens us to live out our faith by doing good works. What a wonderful way to teach our children. Now you know!