Deacon's Corner: Do we know that we stand at the foot of the Cross at every Mass?
September 22, 2024, 12:00 PM
We do not engage in a separate sacrifice each Mass. Rather, the once-for-all and perfect sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is made present to us. While the crucifixion occurred in history, its reach transcends time and touches us with its grace and power. It reaches back to those who lived centuries before and were awaiting the Savior. It reaches forward in time to those yet to be born. A more literal translation of the phrase, “Do this in memory of me” is “Do this as a remembrance of me.” The Greek word used for memory, remembrance, or memorial is anamnesis. The Church emphasizes that this word does not refer to the recollection of a past event that happened to others. Instead, it refers to entering past events that are made present to us. We are not simply recalling past events such as the Last Supper or the Crucifixion of Jesus. These events that took place at a point in time in history are made present to us. We are there and are part of the events. When Jesus says, “This is My Body which will be given up for you” and “This is My blood that will be shed for you” more literal translations of the Greek are: “This is My Body which is being given for you” and “This is My Blood which is being poured out for you.” These actions are being done now, they are not repeated. We are drawn into that oncefor-all moment, the eternal now of God. These acts of Christ are made present so His body is being given now; His blood is being poured out now. This is deep faith, but now you know!