Deacon's Corner: Do we truly believe the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ? Part II
June 9, 2024, 12:00 PM
The Eucharist is known by many names, each one helps our understanding of this Divine Mystery. These include: Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper, the Breaking of Bread, the Holy Sacrifice, the Divine Liturgy, the Sacred Mysteries, and the Blessed Sacrament. Regardless of its name, through its celebration we unite ourselves in Holy Communion to Jesus and with each other through the Body and Blood of Christ. We know His Presence in the Holy Eucharist is Real. The sixth chapter of the Gospel of John leaves no doubt that Our Lord is truly present in this mysterious white wafer and wine. We know the Eucharist is God because He told us it is! The Word of God is trustworthy, so even when we can’t trust ourselves, we can always trust Jesus. Our reception of the Holy Eucharist not only allows us to rest in Him, but also allows Him to rest in us. This most intimate encounter with God Himself is truly a reality we can’t fully grasp this side of Heaven. But the joy of knowing that for eternity we will be immersed in the Heart of Jesus is the hope and promise of the Blessed Sacrament. We know that through this Sacrament God unites us with Christ, who makes us sharers in the Body of Christ to form a one body. We also call the Eucharist the Holy Mass (Sacra Missa) because it concludes with a sending forth of the Church (Ite, missa est) on its mission (missio) to take Christ to others. Now you know!