Deacon's Corner: Do we truly believe the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ? Part VII
July 14, 2024, 12:00 PM
Now that we have received Holy Communion and share in the Eternal Covenant of Christ, we continue Mass with the Prayer After Communion. Here we give thanks to God for the grace we have received to strengthen us to carry out the mission of the Church. The Mass then swiftly concludes, and it is the deacon who gets the last word. The Latin text of the dismissal is powerful; most of the English translations are not. The deacon proclaims, Ite, missa est! Notice there is nothing in the Latin about “peace”, “love,” or even “the Gospel,” as our “translations” might suggest. “Ite” is a command, the same command a military officer would give to the troops. “March!” “Missa est” means that (the Body of Christ, each of us) is sent forth. The word missa finds expression in English in a word such as “dismiss.” So, this rather terse, powerful command is really “March, you are sent out.” Our community gathered in lament, but through the power of Christ’s presence, we have put our laments on the altar of God, have been transformed through the saving act of Christ, and shared in His Body and Blood, in His eternal covenant. We are now sent back into the world to carry that Good News to others. We receive a transmission of grace and are now commission to go forth. We are truly “taking the grace of the altar to the needs of the people.” Now you know!