Deacon's Corner: How do we behave before the Monstrance and the Tabernacle?
July 30, 2023, 12:00 PM
We rely on our senses to live in this world. We have the best experiences when our senses of taste, smell, touch, hearing, and sight are engaged. For example, in Adoration we use our sense of sight to see the Monstrance. This focuses our attention. This engages our true ability to see the Real Presence of Jesus in the sacred host. The design of the Monstrance, shaped like a golden sunburst, further focuses our attention on Jesus. This fosters an atmosphere of solemnity and draws in all the people in the Church or Chapel. The Lord in the Tabernacle is no less Present, but given our sensory nature, His Presence is less exclusively focused for us. We are more inclined to permit special gatherings or Liturgies in the Church or Chapel with a Tabernacle and Jesus Present. The way we behave before a Monstrance signals a solemn and exclusive Eucharistic focus. The Tabernacle signals the Lord’s Presence for our prayer and our engagement in His work of preaching, teaching, and Liturgy. We honor His Presence by being about His work in the Nave or Sanctuary in a way that we hope will please the Lord. Adoration before the Monstrance is a great way to pray and listen to God. But we should not forget the beauty of simple and quick visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle. When finished praying and while leaving the Church or Chapel, try turning back to the Lord and simply say, “Love Ya, see You next time!” Now you know!