Masses (Old Rite - Latin)



Latin Masses are offered the first Friday of June for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the first Friday of October for Our Lady of the Rosary.


Hand Missals are available for use at all Latin Masses


The term "Latin Mass" is frequently used to denote the Tridentine Mass, that is, the Roman-Rite liturgy of the Mass celebrated in Latin and in accordance with the successive editions of the Roman Missal published between 1570 and 1962.

There are various forms of celebration of the Tridentine Mass:

  • Pontifical High Mass: celebrated by a bishop accompanied by an assisting priest, deaconsubdeaconthurifer, acolytes and other ministers, under the guidance of a priest acting as Master of Ceremonies. Most often the specific parts assigned to deacon and subdeacon are performed by priests. The parts that are said aloud are all chanted, except that the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, which before the reform of Pope Pius V were said in the sacristy, are said quietly by the bishop with the deacon and the subdeacon, while the choir sings the Introit. The main difference between a pontifical and an ordinary High Mass is that the bishop remains at his throne almost all the time until the offertory.
  • Solemn or High Mass (LatinMissa solemnis): offered by a priest accompanied by a deacon and subdeacon and the other ministers mentioned above.
  • Missa Cantata (Latin for "sung mass"): celebrated by a priest without deacon and subdeacon, and thus a form of Low Mass, but with some parts (the three variable prayers, the Scripture readings, Preface, Pater Noster, and Ite Missa Est) sung by the priest, and other parts (Introit, Kyrie, Gloria, Gradual, Tract or Alleluia, Credo, Offertory Antiphon, Sanctus and Benedictus, Agnus Dei, and Communion Antiphon) sung by the choir. Incense may be used exactly as at a Solemn Mass with the exception of incensing the celebrant after the Gospel which is not done.
  • Low Mass: the priest sings no part of the Mass, though in some places a choir or the congregation sings, during the Mass, hymns not always directly related to the Mass.


At Saint Ann Catholic Church, the Missa Cantata, or "sung mass" is celebrated throughout the year for particular solemnities and feasts.