Sacramental Preparation
Designated Grades for the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation are 2nd Grade for First Penance and First Communion, and 8th Grade for Confirmation. Please note Confirmation preparation is a two-year process that begins in 7th Grade.  Sacramental Preparation primarily takes place during the regularly scheduled religious education class time, but includes a few separate dates for parent info meetings, student retreats, Confirmation service projects, and the celebration of the Sacraments (see below).
If your child has not received these Sacraments and has surpassed the designated grade level, please contact Tiffany at or via the Parish Office so the necessary accommodations can be made.
2nd Grade 2019-2020 Important Dates:
Parent Meeting - Wednesday, October 2, 2019 (6:00PM), Parish Hall
First Penance - TBA [February]
First Communion Retreat - Saturday, March 28, 2020 (12:00-4:30PM), Parish Hall
Explanatory Mass - Saturday, March 28, 2020 (4:30PM Mass), Saint Ann Church
First Communion Practice - TBA
First Communion - TBA [First Weekend in May]
May Crowning - TBA [First Weekend in May]
7th Grade 2019-2020 Important Dates:
Parent Meeting - Wednesday, September 25, 2019 (7:00PM), Parish Hall
Confirmation Retreat - Saturday, February 29, 2020 (12:30-4:30PM), Parish Hall
Rite of Enrollment - Saturday, February 29, 2020 (4:30PM Mass), Saint Ann Church
8th Grade 2019-2020 Important Dates:
Parent Meeting - Wednesday, October 2, 2019 (7:00PM), Parish Hall
Confirmation Retreat - TBA
Confirmation Interviews - TBA [March]
Confirmation - Thursday, April 30, 2020 (5:00PM), Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Sacramental Preparation Forms: